dwt enterprise is a data analytics company that empowers organizations with intelligent solutions.

COVID-19 has forced the hospitality industry to accelerate its digital transformation. With daily POS, reservation and website visit data, hotels and restaurants are sitting on a gold mine of data and information. dwt enterprise will help you harness that data and transform your business from a data laggard to a leader.

As retail stores see a growing share of their revenues migrate to e-commerce competitors, owners have to grapple with the effects of declining customer loyalty and the resulting drop in footfall. dwt enterprise helps physical outlets leverage their built-in brand advantages into innovative inventory fulfillment and management strategies

Post-pandemic healthcare delivery is emphasizing virtual care and digital interventions. dwt enterprise's data tools discover telehealth and virtual intervention opportunities using your organization's own records. Machine-learning matching engines empower your staff with a data-driven engagement plan for each patient, employee and covered life.